Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How Healthy is Your Business?

Put your business through its paces with this quick and easy fit test:

Many strongly believe the major organs of a business are the accounting and management information systems. When our heart and lungs are running efficiently and are carefully maintained then the whole of our body feels fit and healthy, meaning we can fight off infection, disease and face any unexpected events that may put our bodies to the test. Taking care of our bodies ensures we have time for more pleasurable activities, such as using them for our own enjoyment be it a dinner party, a holiday or a simple walk in the park. Your business is no different. When it’s fit and healthy and performing at its peak rate it will meet the day to day requirements without ever breaking a sweat, with everything working in harmony, your business and you can then concentrate on the more pleasurable side of business life, making money.

Usain Bolt wins medals but Rab C Nesbitt never did…

Take the test, answer a simple yes to any of the statements below if they sound familiar and determine your business BMI at the end:

  • Your Business Brain -I only find out my annual profit or loss months after my year end when my accountant finally lets me see some figures which even then don’t seem to make sense.

  • Your Businesses Eating Habits – I am often very surprised by the amount of VAT and PAYE I am asked to pay and get into arrears

  • Your Businesses Energy -I struggle to find the time and the enthusiasm to maintain my business records and don’t feel that my management information systems are effective and if I’m honest coping

  • Your Business Health Checks -I know that the computer based accounting system we use can do so much more than we use it for but I don’t have the time or anyone to ask about accessing these benefits

  • Your Businesses 5 a Day – I need help with my accounting system from payroll to invoicing, I don’t need a full time bookkeeper and my accountant doesn’t seem interested. What can I do?

  • Your Businesses Performance Output -I don’t really understand my HMRC VAT and PAYE returns I think there might be a better way of doing things but I can’t find it

  • Your Business Heart -My accountant seems more concerned with ensuring that the Tax Man gets the most from me than in helping me run the day to day things I need help with and seeking out new ways in which my business can improve. I could really do with seeing someone more regularly as the year unrolls rather than once a year in his office

  • Your Business Diet Plan -I need to know how my business was performing last week and what it needs to change to perform better next week but all I seem to be doing is coping with my bank balance going up and down

  • Your Businesses Mental Health - My accountant and my bank manager don’t spend any time finding out what I do and why I do it – I really need and advisor who I can meet with regularly and who builds up a good understanding of what I’m about and where I’m going in language I can relate to

Your score:

You answered YES to two to four statements

Your business BMI is 32 which in fitness terms is classed as overweight. You need to get your business back on the race track and quickly in order for it to fit back into those skinny jeans and be the belle of the ball.

You answered YES to five to seven statements

Your business BMI is 40 which is classed as obese, you have some serious training to do to get your business back in shape; however we can help and take the blood, sweat and tears out of your exercise regime.

You answered YES to over seven statements

Your business BMI is 50, this is classed as morbidly obese. Oh dear. Not only does your business need a kick to get off the sofa it also needs a holistic therapy approach which covers all aspects of your business and puts it on the right diet plan to sustain it well into the future, luckily, we can offer the whole package.

You answered NO to all the statements

Congratulations, your Business BMI is 21, the healthy weight; you don’t need to do anything except carry on as you are, before you disappear though, were you really being completely honest about your weight?

Source: B2C_Business

How Healthy is Your Business?

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