Saturday, May 31, 2014

What to Test – Part 4

What to Test – Part 4 image 1400793290459

Welcome to the latest edition of our new weekly blog series, What to Test. Each week, we will introduce a new test idea. We’ll explain why it’s important to test it, what you might learn, how to carry out the test, and what to measure in order to determine a winner. Last week we tested Email Design.

The Test = Button Text


It may sound silly, but the actual words on a button can affect whether or not someone clicks on it. And whether that button is at the bottom of a web form, in an email, part of an ad, or somewhere on your website, the purpose of that button is to get clicked. So we want to make sure the button says whatever it needs to say to get clicked more.

We will call the percentage of people who click the button the button’s conversion rate. And this test is meant to improve the button conversion rate.

Think about all the buttons you have on your website, and imagine how much of a difference you can make in your conversion rates if you are able to increase the amount of people who click on all of them.


Everyone is going to start this test in a different position. Because depending on where the button is and its purpose, it will say something different. Whatever it says now will act as our control version for the test. Now it’s up to you to come up with different words and phrases to test.

To help, consider this. The button should be the one final call to action for the person who is looking at it. It should be active and informing, telling the person where they will get to or what they will get when they click it. I recently did some testing with “submit” buttons on a web form. We tested the control (submit), against the following alternatives – go, next, I’m ready. I won’t tell you which won, but I’ll tell you that I was surprised.

This is a great test for a tool like Optimizely, which lets you test multiple versions of a page without any development work. Set up the test with a couple of different buttons, and sit back and watch the numbers come in.

Anything to add? As always, use the comments below or Twitter #whattotest to keep the conversation going!

Source: B2C_Business

What to Test – Part 4

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