Its time again for another community news and information roundup. Here are the key insights from the blogs and communities we follow across the Web. It’s our weekly survey of what the small business community online is discussing. Enjoy and contribute.
Use Events to Grow Your Business (Event Supremacy)
Yes, search, social and mobile marketing are important for your business. But another very powerful yet sometimes less talked about approach is through events. If you want to learn more about how small businesses can use events to promote their brand, look no further. Rich Brooks, founder of the Agents of Change Conference, discusses his approach with host Vernon T. Foster in this podcast.
Your Organization Needs a Style Guide (Social Change Consulting)
No matter what kind of organization — business, non-profit or anything else — unless you plan to stay a solo act, you’ll need to plan for growth. One of the tricks here can be scaling your organization so that everyone understands how you do things. Here Justin P. Clark shares a technique from the non-profit world that business owners can use too. Adopt a style guide for your company.
Grow Your Business by Creating Something New (The Attorney Marketing Center)
You’ve heard the often repeated advice that entrepreneurs must work on their business not just in it. Here David M. Ward explains one important way to accomplish this simply by creating something new. Whether you are trying to grow a law practice or some other kind of business entirely, its about more than just taking care of day to day stuff.
Figure Out Your Ideal Customer (BizLaunch Blog)
Another way of growing your business is by defining your ideal customer. Here Lora Crestan, owner of Solstice Group, discusses creating a profile of the perfect customer or client your business aspires to serve. The exercise helps you direct your marketing efforts and create products and services specific to meet that customer’s needs.
Why You Need Content Marketing Strategy (Small Business eCommerce Blog)
Content marketing is an important part of promoting your business online. But, in this post, Simon Horton also points out that without a strategy your content marketing efforts are likely to be ineffective. Whether you run an eCommerce or other business, here’s a look at how to develop a strategy for those marketing efforts.
Create the Perfect About Page (Papermark Blog)
Your about page is more important than you think. It not only tells people about you and your business. It may also determine whether or not they decide to become your client or customer. Janice Hostager has more insights here and in the BizSugar community about how to get your about page right.
18 Tips for Reaching Your Target Audience (Smart Marketerz)
We’ve heard about developing a profile for your ideal customer. Here blogger Erik Emanuelli talks about reaching your target audience — and some advice about how to get it done. In the BizSugar community, Emanuelli also chats about how to define who your target audience is in the first place.
Get Some Extra Client Insight (Black Enterprise)
Beyond the importance of developing a target audience and ideal client, you should also know as much as you can about those clients. Here Carolyn M. Brown suggests Grapevine6 to give you more insight into your LinkedIn connections, for example. Think about how to get more insight into your customers.
10 Lessons to Learn About Blogging (Denise Mooney)
Mooney lists quite a few lessons learned blogging over the last year. But for small business owners, the most important one may be to treat your blog as a business. Here’s a bit more discussion on that point in the BizSugar community.
The Importance of Color in Your Marketing (SF Gazette)
You might be surprised how important a role color choice makes in Web design. In this post, Bruna Martinuzzi, founder of Clarion Enterprises Ltd., explores the psychology of color and how it can impact the success of your business. Consider the role color plays in your marketing efforts.
Drop us an email at to tell us what you think we should be sharing in our next community roundup. Or contribute to where we go each week to find the best and freshest in small business content.
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The post Marketing with Events and Developing a Style Guide for Your Business appeared first on Small Business Trends.
Source: Small Business Trends
Marketing with Events and Developing a Style Guide for Your Business
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