Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Do You Want Your Website To Tell a Better Story?


That’s how you feel some of the time, maybe a lot of time, when you sit down to deliver your message to your audience.

How do I know? Because it’s how I feel some of the time (okay, a lot of time) too.

You want to tell a story. I want to tell a story. But so often when we tell stories on the Internet, our words have to do all the heavy lifting.

That’s pressure.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a design with the strength and style to lighten the storytelling load?

That’s parallax.

And what if such a design were simple to set up? What if it were as easy as slipping a cashmere sweater over a pressed collared shirt and the perfect color tie?

That’s Parallax Pro for Genesis … the next generation of storytelling on the web.

What is parallax, anyway?

Despite its jargony name, Parallax is actually a pretty simple concept: the change in the apparent position of an object when viewed from two different vantage points.

Have a look:

You see the perspective shifting from right to left and left to right. Do you see how the objects in the background appear to move slower than those in the foreground? That’s parallax.

Parallax scrolling is used in graphics and web design to create this effect and give a two-dimensional world a three-dimensional feel.

For a simple example of how this works horizontally in gaming, click here.

For a simple example of how this works vertically in web design, click here.

Parallax web design

In case you didn’t click on that last link, it takes you to the demo of Parallax Pro, the latest child theme released for the Genesis Framework by the StudioPress team.

Do you notice how, as you scroll down the page, the words appear to move faster than the beautiful, high-resolution background images?

This is the present and future of web design, and something tells me this isn’t the first time you’ve been exposed to it (even if you didn’t know what to call it).

Award-winning examples of Parallax design include the official website for the movie Life of Pi, Lexus, and NASA Prospect.

That NASA Prospect one? Wow. Talk about storytelling with design.

Don’t you want to make people say “Wow” when they visit your website too?

And without knowing anything but the basics about design?

Then Parallax Pro may be for you

It was just two weeks ago that Parallax Pro was unleashed on the world. Yet, already there are stunning examples of its storytelling magnificence live for us to use as reference points.

Check out Growly Books.


It’s not nearly as complicated as the award-winning examples I linked to above. Which is fine. You don’t need that level of complexity to tell your online story effectively.

Here is another example: Minima Designs.


You increase conversions when you invoke positive emotions and a human touch. That is exactly what is going on here.

Parallax Pro makes it simple to provide the subtle human touch that makes for great subliminal storytelling.

It also never hurts to have a jaw-dropping design on a site that is selling design services.

And if you’re one of those who expects eat-your-own-dogfood leadership by designers …


Have a look at the latest design for StudioPress founder Brian Gardner’s site.

Scroll down and check out the “Welcome to My Space” section at the bottom. That’s how you tell a story through the seamless integration of words and pictures. It’s what Parallax Pro is designed to do.

What you should do next

Simply put: No other recent web design technique has done more to impact the way we tell stories online than parallax. And now you’re just minutes away from having it on your website.

That’s not to say it’s for everyone. I still use the 411 Theme on my personal website, because it fits better (for now).

But I’ve also tripled on-site engagement with my media and built a substantial email list from nothing since converting to a parallax-style design on my other side-project site. The story the design helps me tell visitors immediately is a big reason why.

Do you want your website to look like it was designed in 2015, not 2005?

Do you want it to pull people in while they scroll, not push them away?

Do you want your website to tell better a story?

You know what to do …

Pick up a copy of Parallax Pro today

Wikipedia Creative Commons Image: Parallax

About the author

Jerod Morris

Jerod Morris is the Director of Content for Copyblogger Media. Get more from him on Twitter, , or at JerodMorris.com.

The post Do You Want Your Website To Tell a Better Story? appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Source: Copyblogger

Do You Want Your Website To Tell a Better Story?

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