Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5 Beliefs that Hinder Productivity in Small Businesses

Running a successful small business doesn’t just require the right resources. It’s also about adopting the right mindset. These are well-intentioned but outdated beliefs that small business leaders should get rid of.

That’s-how-we’ve-always-done-it Syndrome

The DIY approach is a time-honored tradition among small businesses. It’s an endearing trait that makes them more personable than towering corporations. But the reality is, you’re not a genius and you don’t have a set of clones to do your bidding. There are options to help you get a leaner team and a streamlined business such as back office outsourcing.

The glass is always half-full.

Pep talks have their value. It’s depressing to get up on a Monday morning to work in a dreary workplace. In an attempt to motivate employees, some would sugar-coat a “problem” and call it as an “opportunity”. But this implies that the problem can be ignored and delayed, which turns it into a minor blip waiting to be a catastrophe. Problems should be treated as it is. Find a balance between pragmatism and idealism.

Everybody needs to get on-board.

The top-down command approach is archaic. Today, it’s all about collaboration and an open workspace. But if you wait for everyone to get on-board, it will take ages to get anything done. Worse, either you or the expensive manager you hired turns into a mediator. The leader must be able to make a sound decision for the growth of the company.

The silent approval.

The boss has the final say. But what happens if none of the employees speak up and the plan doesn’t work? Possibly six months down the drain for a product that didn’t fit the market. Employees should be given the right to challenge or counter their leader’s ideas without feeling like they’ve just put their neck on a noose.

Everything should be perfect.

Now that you have your own business, you’ll want everything to be perfect. But nitpicking will waste your time into things that aren’t important – like that 10th PowerPoint revision when the 2nd gave the important points needed, or three reports when one would suffice. Learn to prioritise and identify which areas need your attention the most.

Small businesses are always taught to be adaptable and flexible. But before that can happen, leaders should adopt the same approach.

Source: B2C_Business

5 Beliefs that Hinder Productivity in Small Businesses

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