Monday, May 19, 2014

FreshBooks Lets You Collect Feedback from Clients

freshbooks feedback

Cloud accounting service FreshBooks has a new tool to collect feedback directly from your customers. The company says that its review and ratings features added to the cloud accounting platform represent a first-of-its-kind combination. FreshBooks says that its new feature allows customers to leave feedback on your business and their interaction with you right after they pay a bill through the platform.

FreshBooks CEO and Co-Founder Mike McDerment explained in an official release introducing the new customer feedback feature:

“Small business owners are starved for feedback. But it takes time to ask your clients for this information, and many owners find the process terrifying and awkward. With FreshBooks our customers now have an automated feature that helps them to gather client feedback, increase referral rates, and generate positive reviews for marketing materials with the click of a mouse.”

If your business uses FreshBook’s cloud-based accounting platform, your customers will use a 1 to 10 point scale based on the Net Promoter Score.

The Net Promoter Score, or NPS, uses a three-tiered scale to classify your customers. Those who rate your business with a 9 or 10 are considered “Promoters” and are considered likely to recommend your business to others. Those who rate your business with a 7 or 8 are considered “Passives.” They may be satisfied with your product or service and may even continue buying or using it. However, they are not likely to tell their friends about you. And they can switch loyalty at a moment’s notice.

freshbooks feedback

Customers who rate your business with a 6 or less are considered “Detractors.” At the top end of the scale, these customers may be mildly satisfied with your product or service. At worst they are likely to be dissatisfied customers likely to spread negative word-of-mouth about your brand.

When customers pay their bill through FreshBooks, they are asked to rate their dealings with your business. Specifically, customers will be asked on a scale of 1 to 10 whether they’d recommend your business to one of their friends, the company explains in a post on the official FreshBooks blog. Your customers will also be given a chance to give a deeper explanation of their rating and feedback.

freshbooks feedback

Review requests can be sent directly to a customer when they pay an invoice online or even when a bill is paid manually. Your FreshBooks administrator can choose how and when to send review requests to a client or customer using the new feature.

You can see your reviews on your FreshBooks homepage. Notifications are sent to the administrator account once a review is completed.

Scores of either 9 or 10 can be shared via your business’ Facebook page, allowing you to share the good news of another positive transaction. Clients will also be given the option of posting their review to Facebook. Clients who have given your business a score of 9 or higher will also be given the opportunity to introduce you to someone they know.

Image: Freshbooks

The post FreshBooks Lets You Collect Feedback from Clients appeared first on Small Business Trends.

Source: Small Business Trends

FreshBooks Lets You Collect Feedback from Clients

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