Saturday, May 17, 2014

How To Write Perfect Ad Text

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PPC marketing is a way to catch consumers in what seems like an instant, with a single glance at an ad, and have those consumers not only view your ad, but click on it and purchase whatever it is you have to offer. That might be a run on sentence, but it speaks truth! So, with these single glances the consumers are reading your ad text. Ad text changes often, determines whether a searcher becomes a consumer, and makes you money. There is no such thing as perfect ad text. There are however, ways to improve it.

Ok, so, the internet is full of users, right? In order to lure those users to your site, you need to catch their attention. Simply saying something like “click this ad!” isn’t going to get you anywhere – it just looks like spam, doesn’t it? One of the first steps is to make the users realize the benefit of what you have to offer over your competitors. Do you have lower prices? Better/more services? Faster shipping? Lower shipping prices? Whatever it is, use that information to lure in customers.

Secondly, Dynamic Keyword Insertion. Basically what this means is that Google and other search engines allow you to create individual ads based on keywords, and those ads appear depending on what the user is searching for. So in other words, you have the opportunity to reach different users – all with valid keyword searches – and have them see ads with their specific search words in them. The best part is, it can all be done with the same ad by simply using DKI.

Lastly, use promotional offers as well as a specific call-to-action to draw users in. People like to feel like they are saving money. By using your ad text to show that you are giving a discount on services or products offered, people will be enticed to click on your ad. A call-to-action can be something as easy as “buy today and save!” or perhaps “time is running out!” Use your ad text to create a sense of urgency. Combine the sense of urgency with a discount, and you are golden!

Ad text is often an aspect of PPC that is overlooked as people focus on keywords and click-through rates. Just keep in mind that all the aspects of PPC work hand in hand to create your online persona. Keywords are obviously necessary, but so is great ad text. Remember to keep it simple, and to track the results of each different ad you have running, and use those results to evolve.

Source: John Chow Dot Com

How To Write Perfect Ad Text

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