Facebook was aflurry with announcements Wednesday, with the company holding its first f8 since 2011. Facebook announced its mobile ad network and gave more ways for users to have control over what information they share.
Inside Facebook was on the scene at f8, and here’s a recap of our coverage:
- A look into Facebook’s f8
- Facebook launches Audience Network — a mobile ad network
- Facebook gives users more options for login, app permissions
- Facebook’s AppLinks: taking mobile browsers out of the equation
Facebook also put together a list of rollouts and announcements, big and small.
Here are the Facebook announcements from f8, broken down by the three tracks — build, grow, monetize.
- Anonymous Login: A way for people to log into apps without sharing personal information from Facebook with developers.
- New Facebook Login: Letting people choose what information to share with apps.
- Improved stability: A two-year guarantee on stability for Facebook’s core developer products.
- App links: Making linking between apps easier.
- Parse updates: Updated pricing for Parse, the mobile app development platform that helps developers ship their apps, to make building apps less expensive. Also introduced tools for developers to build apps with Parse that work offline.
- Message Dialog (iOS and Android): Letting people share content from apps with friends through Facebook Messenger.
- Mobile Like Button: Like the Pages or content of individual apps through a native, mobile Like button.
- FbStart: A new program to help mobile startups grow through a package of resources and tools provided by industry leaders.
- Send to Mobile: An easy way for people to send an app to their phone after visiting a website and logging in with Facebook.
- Audience Network: Expanded test of the Audience Network, which allows advertisers to easily extend their Facebook campaigns into other mobile apps. It uses Facebook’s powerful targeting and reporting capabilities to deliver and measure ads in apps off Facebook.
Facebook also announced four new public content APIs to help media companies tell better stories powered by Facebook data.
Photo by Praneendra Kuver for Inside Facebook.
Source: Inside Facebook
Coverage roundup: Facebook f8 2014
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