Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Alexa Has Gone Back To The Drawing Board

alexa redesign

There’s good news for those who rely on Web analytics to negotiate website advertising deals. Alexa Internet Inc. has completely revamped its daily updated Web traffic analytics services for $9.99 a month.

The company, which is owned by Amazon.com, is targeting digital marketers and content publishers for their new service. This new service will focus on four main areas, which Alexa feels are the most important for their clients.

First off, it will benchmark two sites against one another and show how they are performing one-on-one, and against the rest of the Web. Second, it will tell you what your rivals are doing that you are not, which will hopefully show you why you are lagging behind while they are surging ahead.

Third, it will give you suggestions on how to improve your site, including how to optimize it better, get more traffic, and improve your search engine rankings. Finally, it will tell you if you are doing all of the recommended optimizations the right way. Are your tweaks having the desired affect?

In an official release on the new update, Andrew Ramm, Alexa president and general manager explained:

“We are constantly innovating on behalf of our customers, and the launch of our service for digital marketers and publishers is a huge step forward for our offerings. We understand the need to provide real insights to our customers quickly, with fully usable answers that don’t require a data scientist or a black belt in analytics. The new Alexa delivers data so customers can get the exact answer they’re looking for at a glance.”

Alexa has been around for a very long time, providing basic analytical information to webmasters for free (which it still does). It also does its Top 500 Sites On The Web list.

alexa redesign

The redesign may also be to rebuild confidence in the brand’s technology. As early as 2012, for example, SEO Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz expressed doubts about the platform’s reliability in terms of ranking. Others have expressed similar concerns.

Images: Alexa

The post Alexa Has Gone Back To The Drawing Board appeared first on Small Business Trends.

Source: Small Business Trends

Alexa Has Gone Back To The Drawing Board

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