Friday, April 25, 2014

CAM Business Solutions: Providing Clients with Technology Services

cam business solutions

This week we shine the spotlight on CAM Business Solutions, the Beverly Hills-based technology services company that fills a wide variety of needs. Onsite and offsite tech support, search engine optimization, offsite data backup, anti virus and system monitoring are just some of the services they provide clients.

But CAM also has server co-location services, email and Web hosting services, too. The 4 person team at CAM Business Solutions has many talents.

WHY THE BUSINESS WAS STARTED: There was a need to provide technical solutions that worked.

The company claims CAM Business Solutions was launched to satisfy Founder Michael Bowers’ “inner geek” and his desire to create solutions that worked. However, as he explains in this video from Digital Float, it was also founded out of his desire to find work that satisfied him after being laid off from a corporate job.

WHAT THE BUSINESS IS KNOWN FOR: Excellent technical support and customer service!

The key to CAM Business Solutions’ success is, in part, it’s team’s combined 12 years of experience in providing technology services. It’s a company culture that emphasizes individual attention to a few select clients. The company, in fact, prefers providing quality of service to a few customers to minimal services for a large number of clients.


Though based on the West Coast, the company decided to branch out to New York City after gaining a few clients there. The investment was grand including advertising and opening of an office in the New York City area as the company actively sought out more clients. But the effort only ended up drawing attention away from the LA office and ultimately took its toll on the business. Eventually, the company decided to pull back on its aggressive efforts. Though they continued to support the clients they had gotten in NYC, the focus returned to their West Coast home base.

BIGGEST WIN? Supporting Sony Music!

The company’s biggest win, hands down, was its four year contract providing technical support for Sony Music. Though the music giant’s publishing division was based in Santa Monica, it was technically run from New York. And CAM Business Solutions provided the computer support until Sony managed to reorganize the division and reallocate people and responsibilities. CAM Business Solutions was actually referred to the larger company through Dell PartnerDirect.

DID YOU EVER ALMOST GO OUT OF BUSINESS? Yes, but only by choice.

CAM Business Solutions almost shut down for good about five years ago when owner Michael Bowers became interested in pursuing more creative avenues. But, as often is the case, life intervened. After the birth of his first child, Bowers’ need to provide for his new family took precedence and a reinvestment in CAM was begun. Bowers says it has taken a few years and some financial infusions to get the company back to a fully functional state. “But we are on our way to greatness today!” he says.


FUN FACT: Biking for inspiration.

The management team at CAM Business Solutions also shares another passion besides offering technical support for businesses. They enjoy cycling together. In fact, they claim to have turned quite a few training rides into brainstorming sessions, too.

The post CAM Business Solutions: Providing Clients with Technology Services appeared first on Small Business Trends.

Source: Small Business Trends

CAM Business Solutions: Providing Clients with Technology Services

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