Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tips for Creating Videos to Boost Brand Awareness

In an age that celebrates storytelling and imagery, the use of videos to promote brand awareness has skyrocketed. B2B branding and sales-related videos–whether they appear on a Facebook page, YouTube channel or on short-format platforms like Vine or Instagram–are quickly becoming the content-marketing tool of choice among top brand marketers.

Businesses also post branding videos on their websites, including on:

  • Landing pages

  • Product detail pages

  • Virtually everywhere on the site as a sidebar feature

Videos can be circulated via email, newsletter and virtually every way you communicate with current and prospective customers.

So if you haven’t yet told your story on video, now’s a good time to start. Here are tips to get you going:

Know your objectives. Broadly speaking, there are two main types of business-branding videos to consider–conversion videos and brand-building videos. A conversion video is chiefly designed to generate leads and drive sales. A branding video seeks to position your brand within the larger industry or demonstrate to viewers how use of your product or service will benefit them. Knowing your ultimate branding or marketing objectives in advance (rather than determining them afterward) can save you considerable time and money.

Tailor the video to your preferred audience. Because the tone and subject-matter of videos can vary widely, it’s important to understand how your audience will likely respond. Some target customers enjoy a tongue-in-cheek approach, but the same approach can alienate viewers in another market. No single type of video will appeal to everyone, so don’t even try.

You also need to gauge the level of knowledge and sophistication among your intended viewers. Senior decision-makers, industry experts and influencers will respond more favorably to an in-depth approach, while those new to your business will get lost if the subject-matter is too dry and detailed. Consider the proper tone for the video (corporate, humorous, traditional, informal, etc.) during the planning process.

Decide on the right type of video. Assessing the desired audience response can help guide you toward the type of video you want to make. There are dozens of potential video format choices, such as:

  • On location or at an event

  • Two or more talking heads

  • Product demonstration or “how-to” format

  • A look behind the scenes of your business

  • Customer testimonials

Source: B2C_Business

Tips for Creating Videos to Boost Brand Awareness

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